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How to spend 450 million rubles per month through a personal workplace and save hundreds manager working hours
Personal workplace for FESCO transport company
FESCO is a private logistics company, a leader in container transportation through the Far East by sea and rail.
The task: to develop a personal workplace for FESCO customers
FESCO stores information in separate systems not related to each other: container fleet, sea transportation, customs documents, clients, rates and orders.

Before the appearance of a personal workplace, managers manually copied data from one system to another. In order to move the cargo, clients, agents, and managers wrote letters and called.
The first stage
The task of the first stage was to create a single digital space for the participants of cargo transportation. To give maximum self-service processes to FESCO clients. To reduce the time spent by managers on information exchange.
What we got in the end
Customers submit their own transport requests, receive information about the status of the order.
Managers process shipping requests faster, write fewer letters and make fewer calls.
The company has improved its customer experience. Gained a competitive advantage in the world of logistics, where "analog" work scenarios are in progress.
Increase in the number of applications via personal workplace after the implementation of the first stage of development
At the same time, for another FESCO project, we studied and drew the business processes of the company related to cargo transportation. We went to the company departments for information: we communicated with the employees and found out from them the nuances of work with transportations.
Drawing the business processes
The second stage
  1. Large FESCO clients want to automatically receive information about several dozens of cargoes and make many requests.

  2. The personal workplace should quickly issue information without "hanging up" due to problems with external databases.

  3. We need stability and error notifications.
What we got in the end
Implemented API for open platforms so that large customers could automatically receive information.
The personal workplace will not fail if the external databases of the client are unavailable.
We increased the speed and performance of the personal workplace.
Made services for interaction with FESCO manager.
Tracking personal workplace errors.
of transport requests are made by users through a personal workplace.
applications per month go through your personal workplace.
personal workplace users
The services that we have implemented
Transportation tariff calculator
It calculates tariffs for transportation: intermodal, FOR-FOR, coaster, HPE and port. It supports basic tariffs and special rates. You can choose additional services.
Shipment Tracking
Public tracking shows the status and location of the containers.
You can also find out the dates of shipment at the stages of transportation, information about weighing, cargo inspections.
Submission of transport requests 24 hours a day
The set of fields in the application changes depending on the application type (intermodal, FOR-FOR, HPE, cabotage, port). Templates and drafts help to enter the application in the system faster.
Binding of payments and bills
Now payment orders for large amounts are connected with many accounts for payment from FESCO.
Financial reports
You can download the official settlement report in the payments section.
Requests for reconciliation certificates and duplicate documents
The client can request a reconciliation report and duplicate documents and monitor the status of their receipt online.
Schedule of sea and railway voyages
You can find out the schedule of sea and railway flights, apply for the necessary flight on the site. You can also sign up for changes in departure and arrival dates.
Request for access to personal cabinet sections
The user can request access to various services presented in the LC. Each service has own business process of connection and separate integration with IT systems.
The workplace of the declarant of internal customs transit
There is workplace of employee in FESCO. The service is integrated with the "Alta" system.
Customs declaration
Customers can upload documents for customs and control the terms of their registration. Documents are checked by the declarant inside the service, the package of documents is submitted to the customs. Consignment notes and customs declarations are generated automatically by the service. All this is integrated with the contractor API.
Betting harmonization
We developed the Sales Manager’s automated workstation.
The manager sees and processes calculations for additional services, agrees on special rates with the owners of the bet. He can massively request discounts for a client with large volumes of cargo traffic and a large number of destinations.
Formation of commercial offers
A Sales Manager can form a complete commercial offer by collecting its components from public bets or special offers on each shoulder of the route. The system has a history of control interaction.
User assistance service
A separate website contains instructions on how to use your personal workplace. There are hints inside the personal cabinet.